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Reverse engineering - Get root shell access to D-Link router using UART(Get WiFi password)

Introduction Hello there. In this article I will be showing you a very commonly used reverse engineering and hardware hacking technique to gain root access to the shell of a WiFi router and retrieve the WLAN SSID and password. It also works for many other kinds of embedded devices too but here I will be showing you my experience with a WiFi router D-Link DSL-2730U. This is my first blog ever so it is a brand new experience for me. Although I will do my best to make this content a very valuable and interesting one. NOTE: If you find any incomplete, missing or even misleading information here, then please put it in the comments. I would love to learn even more. Prerequisites It is best if you have a fair amount of experience in the following: Linux fundamentals and sysadmin skills. Fair amount of hands-on experience with Arduino or Raspberry Pi projects. Building custom Linux systems for embedded devices(Buildroot, Yocto, Busybox, etc.). Protocols like - UART, SPI, I2C, etc. You do not n